Friday, December 3, 2010

The Kundalini Sakti Is Also Aroused by Regular Practice of One or More of the Ten Yogic Mudras

The Kundalini Sakti Is Also Aroused by Regular Practice of One
or More of the Ten Yogic Mudras
The ten chief mudras (seals, locks) are mulabandhamudra,
uddiyanabandhamudra, jalandharabandhamudra, mahavedhamudra,
mahamudra, mahabandhamudra, viparitakaranimudra, sakticalanamudra,
vajrolimudra (yonimudra), and khecarimudra-. These ten
mudras are the immortal experiences of yoga. An advanced sabijayoga
sadhaka, by the thorough sadhana of yoga, becomes acquainted with
these mudras. Mudras are developed forms of asanas. When one
does asanas, the body organs are mainly involved and prana is
secondary; but in performing mudras, the main factor is prana, and the
body organs are secondary. The same mudra may be repeated in
various asanas. This proves that the asana is secondary, and the
process of prana is primary. Also, several mudras can occur together
during one asana.
There are many mudras, but the above ten are the most important.
Mudras are connected with specific cakras.
1. Mahamudra
Sit on the floor, stretch the right leg out. Fold the left leg and press the
left heel hard on the sivani (the area between the anus and the genitals).
Hold the toes of the outstretched foot with both hands, holding the air
outside the body after exhalation. Jalandharabandha (throat lock) is
performed and the body bent forward until the head touches the right
knee. This mudra is called mahamudra. This mudra can be done using
the right heel instead of the left. Mahamudra is connected with the
muladhara cakra. When this mudra is mastered, it also becomes
connected with the sahasrara cakra.
2. Mulabandhamudra
Sit on the floor and press the sivani with the right heel, and place the
left heel at the base of the penis. Then contract the anus and pull the
navel hard toward the spine. This will raise the apana. This is called
mulabandhamudra and it is connected with the muladhara cakra.
3. Sakticalanamudra
Sakticalanamudra is the basis of all other mudras. It is the prime
secret of all yoga. It is therefore kept secret. A guru passes on this
secret personally only to the best sadhaka disciples who are capable of
living the life of an ascetic.
A general reference to sakticalanamudra follows. After having
assumed siddhasana, apply pressure on the kundalini that has travelled
up to below the navel with the closed fist of the right hand. This makes
prana attract apana gradually into the manipura, anahata, visuddha,
ajna, sahasrara, and other higher cakras. It should be remembered that
as long as apana is not weakened, prana cannot attract apana into the
higher cakras. This conflict goes on between apana and prana for
many years. In the end, when prana conquers apana and becomes
very strong, the defeated apana starts rising into higher cakras.
During this stage the prana arouses kundalini over and over, but the
kundalini defeats prana each time and returns to dormancy. However,
when the prana becomes victorious, kundalini raises its head and
begins to ascend and help the sadhaka to achieve sabijasamadhi.
When kundalini moves away from the entrance of the susumna, then
yonimudra will begin.
Without sakticalanamudra, khecarimudra and yonimudra do not occur.
Sakticalanamudra is connected with the svadhisthana cakra. When
sakticalanamudra is complete, then it also becomes connected with the
sahasrara cakra.
4. Mahabandhamudra
Assume siddhasana or muktasana, folding the right leg and placing
the right heel so as to press the sivani. Place the left heel so pressure is
put on the root of the penis. Do all three bandhas (locks) and practice
sagarbha or sabija pranayama. This is called mahabandhamudra. -
Automatically the sadhaka at this stage will experience
sakticalanamudra, khecarimudra, mulabandhamudra,
uddiyanabandhamudra, and jalandharabandhamudra during the
pranayama. As a result, he can obtain bindu (spot, drop of fluid) in part.
This mudra is connected with the muladhara and sahasrara cakras.
Mahabandhamudra only occurs when a sadhaka reaches the final
stages of sabijasamadhi. A beginner cannot practice this mudra in its
complete form, and it is useless to him.
5. Uddiyanabandhamudra
In uddiyanabandhamudra, while one performs a long exhalation the
abdomen is pulled toward the spine. In the beginning,
mulabandhamudra, uddiyanabandhamudra, and
jalandharabandhamudra are done in siddhasana. Later on they happen
in any posture. When these three mudras happen simultaneously, it is
called tribandha. In the language of the Tantras, tribandha is symbolized
as Lord Siva's or Goddess Sakti's trident. When tribandha happens
along with jihvabandhamudra (khecarimudra), tribandha becomes
secondary in importance. An ordinary sadhaka should do the mudras
only after properly practicing pranayama. Uddiyanabandhamudra is
connected with the manipura and sahasrara cakras.
6. Jalandharabandhamudra
If the chin is firmly pressed onto the chest in any asana at the end of
inhalation or exhalation, so that the throat is constricted, then
jalandharabandhamudra has happened. After the inhalation or
exhalation the breath is held. During this mudra, prana moves up the
pascimamadhyamarga (rear median path) and rests in the sahasrara
cakra. Murcha and bhramari pranayamas happen during this mudra.
7. Viparitakaranimudra
Start by lying stretched out on the back. Then, while exhaling, raise
the legs until the trunk is resting on the shoulders, the hands supporting
the back and the gaze fixed on the navel, concentrating on the manipura
cakra. Then hold the breath. This is viparitakaranimudra. While this
mudra resembles sarvangasana, note that in sarvangasana the chest
and legs are in a straight line, but in viparitakaranimudra, only the
forearms and legs are in a straight line. Sarvangasana is a posture
only, and is done without any special ritual, but viparitakaranimudra,
being a mudra, is done as follows. During viparitakaranimudra, the
genitals are repeatedly contracted inward. In the Sivasamhita this ritual is
recommended and is called sirsasana. Sirsasana is the complete form
of viparitakaranimudra.
8. Khecarimudra or Jihvabandhamudra
A beginner in yoga does not experience khecarimudra. Only a
sadhaka who has had pranotthana and experienced sakticalanamudra
perfectly will come close to khecarimudra.
Khecarimudra may happen in any posture. In this mudra the tongue
enters the tenth orifice, the pharynx, and the gaze becomes fixed
between the eyebrows.
A sadhaka who cuts the ligament under the tongue after reading
about khecarimudra or following the directions of an imperfect guru
cannot reach samadhi or other yogic states by practicing khecarimudra.
The blessings of God or Guru lead to the awakening of kundalini, which
in turn leads to khecarimudra. First, powerful yogic fires cut the
ligaments under the tongue so that the moving and milking actions of the
tongue occur. In the end, the tongue tries to, then succeeds in entering
the kapalakuhara (the tenth orifice).
At the end of sabijasamadhi, when one experiences vajroli or yoni
mudra, the tongue becomes hard and erect like the penis and causes
apana to ascend, deflowering the brahmagranthi, and the yogi becomes
an urdhvareta.
When khecarimudra is complete, a yogi will taste amrta (nectar). As a
result, the old cells are destroyed and replaced by the new cells which
make up the Divine Body. Nirbijasamadhi begins only after Divine Body
is achieved.
Khecarimudra is connected with the muladhara, the visuddha, and the
ajana cakras.
9. Mahavedhamudra
Assume mahabandhamudra. Inhale while doing khecarimudra and fix
the gaze firmly on ajna cakra. Then bend the head backwards, spread
out the hands, and bend forward until the palms of the hands lie on the
floor in front of the body. The buttocks will rise off the floor. Lastly, come
back to the original posture and hit one side of the body repeatedly with
a closed fist.
During mulabandhamudra, when the prana and apana unite, a
sadhaka yogi will experience plavini pranayama. As a result, air fills the
body cavity, and when one side is hit repeatedly, a roaring sound "hum"
emerges from the mouth. One should remember that mahamudra,
mahabandhamudra, and mahavedhamudra are to be practiced
simultaneously. Mahavedhamudra is connected with the ajna cakra.
This mudra occurs only in the last stages of sabijasamadhi and is
useless to an ordinary sadhaka.
10. Vajrolimudra or Yonimudra
A sadhaka can push a lubricated rubber catheter into the orifice of the
penis, beginning by pushing it up one inch and, with practice, going up
to twelve inches. This is done only to clear the urinary tract and not to
draw up milk or lost semen at the end of coitus, which is not vajroli, but
only an error based on misunderstanding.
Assume siddhasana. Raise the united prana and apana to the
forehead, close the eyes with the respective index and middle fingers,
close the ears with the thumbs, the nostrils with the ring fingers, and the
lips with the little fingers. Concentrate the gaze and the thoughts on the
bhrumadhya, then contract the genitals inward.
Until yonimudra is obtained, making the semen ascendent, a sadhaka
will not understand its greatness. Only after achieving
mulabandhamudra will a sadhaka be able to go on to yonimudra.
Attaining the union of prana and apana is as difficult as making the
Ganges ascend to heaven. The yogi who can achieve yonimudra
achieves sabijasamadhi and the Divine Body filled with yogic fire.
Yonimudra is connected with the muladhara and the sahasrara cakras.
It occurs only in the last stages of sabijasamadhi and is useless to an
ordinary sadhaka. This mudra can be used to gain insight into the
ordinary meditation of pratyahara.
If these mudras are arranged according to the viewpoint of yoga, the
sequence is: mulabandhamudra, uddiyanabandhamudra,
jalandharabandhamudra, sakticalanamudra, khecarimudra,
viparitakaranimudra, mahabandhamudra, mahamudra,
mahavedhamudra, and vajroli or yoni mudra.
These mudras can be divided into different types of foci for
pancadharana (five concentrations): parthividharana, ambhasidharana,
agneyidharana or vaisvanaridharana, vayavidharana, and
akasidharana. The five mudras bhucari, agocari, cacari, and others, are
also manifested in these. Of secondary importance are mudras like
tadagi, mandavi, sambhavi, nabho, asvini, pasini, kaki, matangini,
bhujangini, sanksobhini, dravani, akarsani, vasi, unmada, mahankusa,
manduki, and others.

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